
Monday, September 23, 2024

Assignment 2

The book I picked was called Fin Gesprach An Interview, Gerhard Richter / Dieter Schwarz . I picked it since the image on the front was interesting and drew me in. It is also half in, what I assume, German. Strip, 2011, is the piece which is on the cover. It is very very visually interesting, with long thin lines of colour stretched vertically. It is very mesmerizing to look at, and it feels like the colours somewhat dance around with each other, yet each line, each colour is completely straight. I am very far from an abstract artist, and I don't personally love a lot of abstract art. That is not to say I don't appreciate it or respect it, I find my lack of connectedness with abstract art makes me respect it and the craft of it even more because to me, it is bewildering artists are able to create abstractions that can have so many different complexities, and still be arranged in a composition that executes the intent of the artist. 


I also really enjoyed reading this book as it is written like a script, because it was an interview. So the art as well as the reading was very interesting and enjoyable. 

One of the other books was 'Art monsters: unruly bodies in feminist art, by Elkin, Lauren'. I was drawn to this book because I have done a lot of research about feminist art in high school, and was very inspired by it. I found some super cool new artists to check out. 

The other book I looked at was 'Buddhist art of Tibet: in Milarepa's footsteps : symbolism and spiritualityby Bock, Étienne; Falcombello, Jean-Marc; Jenny, Magali'. During an art history course last semester, a large focus was on Buddhist art and that culture. This art, specifically the gardening aspect is so fascinating and beautiful to me, and so bewildering as I wouldn't even know where to begin. 

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