
Monday, September 23, 2024

Assignment 1

 Here are some sketches I have done in my drawing 2 class. For assignment 1, I drew the orange and the bigger Portrait. I found the orange quite interesting, as the image that bled through is super cool. I used alcohol based markers and tried to go for a somewhat fauvist look. I really like how the backside of the paper looks more so then the front. The colors are less blended and stand out as individual marks much more than the front. 

The outside sketches take up most of a page and I used graphite. The face in the right upper corner has a bit of oil pastels blended in with the graphite. The middle sketch was done with pen ink. I was trying to play around with very dramatic lighting and having one side in the shawdows.  

Assignment 2

The book I picked was called Fin Gesprach An Interview, Gerhard Richter / Dieter Schwarz . I picked it since the image on the front was interesting and drew me in. It is also half in, what I assume, German. Strip, 2011, is the piece which is on the cover. It is very very visually interesting, with long thin lines of colour stretched vertically. It is very mesmerizing to look at, and it feels like the colours somewhat dance around with each other, yet each line, each colour is completely straight. I am very far from an abstract artist, and I don't personally love a lot of abstract art. That is not to say I don't appreciate it or respect it, I find my lack of connectedness with abstract art makes me respect it and the craft of it even more because to me, it is bewildering artists are able to create abstractions that can have so many different complexities, and still be arranged in a composition that executes the intent of the artist. 


I also really enjoyed reading this book as it is written like a script, because it was an interview. So the art as well as the reading was very interesting and enjoyable. 

One of the other books was 'Art monsters: unruly bodies in feminist art, by Elkin, Lauren'. I was drawn to this book because I have done a lot of research about feminist art in high school, and was very inspired by it. I found some super cool new artists to check out. 

The other book I looked at was 'Buddhist art of Tibet: in Milarepa's footsteps : symbolism and spiritualityby Bock, Étienne; Falcombello, Jean-Marc; Jenny, Magali'. During an art history course last semester, a large focus was on Buddhist art and that culture. This art, specifically the gardening aspect is so fascinating and beautiful to me, and so bewildering as I wouldn't even know where to begin. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Self Portraits

A vast majority of my work has been self-portraits in different forms. Self-portraits are very intimidating, as its a direct reflection of how you view yourself and the world around you. By creating one, you let viewers into your own personal world and mind. However, self-portraits are one of the strongest ways an artist can express and reflect how they feel about specific things. I believe that all art is truly beautiful, and creating art depicting myself has had a vast impact on my self-image. Some of my art has dealt with personal healing and overcoming things in my past. Which is why I gravitated quite heavily to this as working through internal conflicts or things you have thought to move on from can feel quite isolated. Making self portraits creates a safe place for the artist while they can still be vulnerable.

Art can be used as a coping mechanism, and can be an outlet for people to heal emotionally and grasp closure. The way I see it, creating multiple self-portraits has connected my mind to my body, forcing me to acknowledge things I have been through in a healthy, creative way. I do this often without initially realizing it. By creating about my experiences and the impact they have had on me, I can freely talk and share how they have affected me with zero judgement, in a personal way.  I’ve created mirrors which I can reflect upon myself, my personal experiences, and how I want to learn and heal from them.


 Hello !

Hello everyone, welcome to my blog. I am very excited to share with you all a little bit about myself, especially in regards to art. I have always loved crafts, sketching, all things art. However, I started to get very enticed during the pandemic. After that, my highschool art teacher was very adamant about joining the IB Art Program. After much hesitation, I joined and it changed my whole life. Upon doing research and having guidance, I realized how much I love art, creating, seeing, or learning. I cant believe there even was a time where I was hesitant, because I have so much passion and love for it now. 

Final IB Art Exhibition

          Art has always been very personal to me and it is a way for me to express how I personally view and interact with the world. I honestly see moments of my days as paintings, or as a photograph, if that makes any sense at all. It has also been a big social aspect for me, I feel when I paint or draw I am almost having a conversation with the mediums I am working with. It's strange I never really feel alone while working on my art completely by myself. It is also social as I tend to work it into a lot of conversations. I am very passionate, and could talk about art for actual hours, so if people aren't interested in or have a small appreciation for art, I have a hard time connecting with them. So in a way, it plays a huge part in dictation my friends and my social life. Art is just such a big part of me as a person, I don't even think about it. However while reflecting, I realize that I truly use art as a tool to see, interpret, express, and interact with my reality.   

Hello !

Assignment 1

 Here are some sketches I have done in my drawing 2 class. For assignment 1, I drew the orange and the bigger Portrait. I found the orange q...